When you start a business no matter what it is you need to be cautious. Until you gain experience you must not be carefree. When it comes to Forex trading precautions are of utmost importance because if you neglect on them you might lose big. The following are some of the important precautions you need to concentrate on.
Start trading with just one currency pair
Though there are lots of currency pairs on which you could do your currency trading it is not a wise thing to try many different currency pairs at the same time no matter how well you gained experience with your demo account. When you start your Forex trading with just one pair of currencies you may make only little profit but in case you lose you will also make little loss.

Do a lot of research
Doing research on market trends is of utmost importance when it comes to trading foreign exchange. You could do your own research by watching news and also you could get guided by Forex signals given by your broker. Most often the Forex signals come to the inbox of your email. Gather all information and be well informed when you start the day with Forex trading.
Choose currency pairs with low spreads
When you do your research you will find that there are some currency pairs that have spreads that are as much as 1,000 pips some times. You naturally will get tempted to trade these pairs as you realize that if you win you win handsomely. But you need to realize that in case you lose you also lose badly. Therefore, you need to avoid trading with such currency pairs. Instead, choose some of the more stable currency pairs that move only two or three pips on the average.
Trade small and make your leverage small too
It is always better to do FX trading with small lots at least at the beginning. It is also advisable to use smaller leverage. When you do so, you will not lose big making it difficult for your account to absorb your losses.
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